Devlog04: Start production sprint 1

Hello Everyone,

We finally got greenlit and started with production. Naturally for this we need to start all over again since the implementations before were done quick and dirty. But we also changed some things that we found were not well received from playtesters.


We Changed the respawn to be random all over the field: When the player hits the water he gets minus 1 point if he is not pushed in.

You can now get up close and personal to you opponent and push him. there is one downside you also get knocked back.

The player now comes to a stop faster making it easier to navigate the arena without accidently falling off

Most changes this week happen under the hood and are not directly visible to players. This will change with the next week where were going to implement things like throwing and the Items to do so. Additionally, there will hopefully also be some audio.

As for the art part, meanwhile creating actual assets for the game, we encountered problems and 'holes' in our pipeline, so we had to adapt to it and reconsider the approach we picked. It also included experementing on new shaders. Here you can see some examples of assets and a new watercolor shader we've been working on:

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90 days ago

Get Throw It Back!

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