Week 09: 2nd production sprint week 02

Hello dear Lazerdashers, 

This week we added some effects to the throwables. We also added a elevator to the level so you can acces the first floor now. When you fall into the water there also is an effect.


For art this week we  built the foundations of our light setup in unity: deciding the main light angle, distributing the light probes and create the post processing volume doing some test bakes and trying some different effects. The light is still a work-in-progress to finalize in the coming week.

Besides that we created a new ocean shader for the arena.

And we now also have a splash effect for when people fall off the map 


We now have an ambience and the music now transitions with a fade out to the action music. We also managed to fix a bug with the object audio that caused it not to play. At the moment only the crates play audio when they break and it does not sound amazing, but now we actualy have object audio we can start fixing that. The production of the other SFX is also ongoing.  


ThrowItBack-v0.8.zip 71 MB
48 days ago
ThrowItBack-v0.8.2.zip 71 MB
47 days ago

Get Throw It Back!

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